Meow Meow says Poppy and Amber we’d like some food!

Apparently, cats find it harder to learn their names than dogs do – who knew? As we all know cats know how to do many things perfectly such as catching mice, birds, rodents, what the sound of a rattling ‘Dreamies’ packet sounds like from the bottom of the garden!

I’ve certainly found out that both Poppy and Amber know their names perfectly and will come running either for me to open the door – Amber or for food Poppy and Amber. These two tabby cats are sisters although Amber likes to steal Poppies food given half the chance – not very sisterly behavior or is it? Having never had a sister I’m not sure but for those of you who have siblings, you probably know better than I.

These two are the perfect cat companions demanding very little except the odd scratch around the neck or on the tummy. Poppy likes to sleep in the sunroom and will happily stay there all day long or in the vegetable patch. Amber strangely for a cat, likes to follow you around, but beware that doesn’t mean you can cuddle her! Oh no, a little tummy tickle is all she will tolerate!
We’ve greatly enjoyed our catsitting sojourn, and would happily come back and look after Amber, Poppy and let’s not forget the tropical fish too.