The most special dog I ever met Is named Rosco He’s a Lagotto Romagnolo Italian water dog But surprisingly doesn’t much like water!
His scruffy and unkempt Because he is petrified of brushes and combs He likes to prop up walls And scrape himself along Rough walls for scratches His clever solution to not being brushed
He doesn’t like other dogs at all Whether they are tall or small He avoids every one of them all He’s frightened of noise He’s frightened and of bangs
Afraid and timid he’s nervous Stubborn and wilful He likes the beach And is happy to drag you to within it’s reach But then he wants to roll and play And doesn’t want to leave the beach all day
He loves his home He loves to roam Loves his bed and When within it’s reach Will happily drag you back home
When out and about He knows where he is Knows where the car is And will take you back directly
He likes to sleep And he likes to play But will happily sleep the day away He doesn’t want to get up early at all
We wander from place to place At a fast and steady pace To meet new, interesting people And are forced to learn quite steeply
What does this new dog like What do they love and enjoy What tricks should we employ To keep them safe and occupied Amused and oh so satisfied
Do they like to sniff every day Like a ball and quick play Have some soft and favourite toys Some foods that give them joy
What is the house like What do we need to do Where do we find things How does the stove work
What’s around every corner Can we walk safely and alone Taking the dog off the lead Such an important activity to run and go wild daily Just like a small wild child
So dog sitting is our hobby It keeps us active and fit It makes our brain work just a bit Some play golf? Some scrabble We like neither we like a ramble Across the fields, sands and more Each day so different from before
So why do we dog sit you may ask It keeps us busy challenged and sometimes dizzy with laughter too As dogs can be so amusing in what they do
Affectionate and fun our house and dog sitting days will continue, Sometimes we feel they’ve only just begun
Eadie is a four year old Maltipoo, and the very first Maltipoo we’ve looked after and got to know throughly. She’s a sweet gentle natured dog who is also quite feisty when it comes to walks and bigger dogs, which she definitely doesn’t bow down to. A big dog in a little tiny body Eadie has a lot of spirt. She pulls on the lead and wants to walk faster and faster with a great deal of energy for such a small dog, and a surprisingly big appetite especially for chicken which she adores. After a walk and usually a bath, as she’s white and it never stopped raining so she was generally brown or black after her walk, she’s more than happy to watch the people pass by at the window and go crazy when anyone resembling a postman or anyone in a hi-vis jacket passes by. She sleeps in her crate by the bed but as she’s a cuddly girl she loves a morning lie in and a long leisurely cuddle in bed. We were very taken with Eadie Rockets and I wrote a little poem in her honour here it is –
She flies through the air With the greatest of ease After a ball or a toy How ever it pleases
She wakes up each day To think just of play She’s happy to cuddle And loves a mucky puddle
She licks and greets Everyone she meets Loving all dogs and people alike She never takes fright
Whether big dogs or little She’ll greet them all With a wide open mouth and a long curly tail
And wriggling around Her joy is profound At everything she’s found Whether in the air or on the ground
Cairn terrier Lettice is a six year old small white dog and is a very calm, collected lady. We had never looked after a Cairn terrier before and found her to be an absolute treasure. She’d happily sleep in the lounge on top of the settee watching the world go by. If anyone comes to the house she does let you know with a very soft gentle bark.
She loves her walks and picking up sticks for you to throw and would occasionally let you know that you must throw the stick! On one occasion we took her to the beach which she throughly enjoyed racing around in the sand. A lover of people and other dogs alike she’ll happily sit by your feet or on your lap if your out and about. For those of you on the look out for a calm, peaceful, loving dog I’d definitely recommend a Cairn terrier especially if they are all like little Lettice.
We had never looked after an Italian Lagotto Romagna water dog before going to Geneva, so this was a new experience for us. He’s only two years old so is still essentially a young dog, a teenager really, he’s very lively and needs a great deal of exercise. Being a water dog he likes nothing more than going into lakes, streams, rivers, puddles in fact any body of water he can find, and the muddier the better!
Lagotto Romagna’s are trained in Italy to collect truffles and Hector likes to search for anything he can find digging in the soil often coming up with nothing at all, but digging as fast as his little paws will dig seems to be something he inherently needs to do whether he finds anything or not! A white and brown-faced dog he’s more often than not brown from head to toe with mud, wet through and as happy as can be. The other activity he adores is chasing a ball in a field or into the lake, or a large log into the river and dragging it back out.
He adores his toy box too and often rummages through looking for a different toy each day, although the unstuffed duck is a firm favourite being thrown about the small lounge to his heart’s content, perhaps it’s something in the breed that harkens back to a retrieving bird time or when dogs had to hunt for their own food. He also loves his rope toys throwing them at your feet for you to pull – playing ‘tuggies’ with him which is a firm favourite game.
Hector adores his food and we’ve been teaching him to search, which he loves, hiding small samples of bully beef on the ground for him to search out with his nose. Thinking of things to tire him out mentally and physically has been a good challenge for us and we’ve discovered some wonderful All Trails walks around Geneva, been to Morzine in the Alps, where Hector played in the snow and up and down various mountain trails as well as walking along the banks of lake Geneva.
Geneva is a beautiful part of the world that we have enjoyed discovering along with Hector who is happy to go out in the car or on foot anywhere you like as long as he’s with you. A very affectionate dog he adores having his tummy tickled, head scratched and curling up with his head on your lap at night to watch the television. As long as he’s had plenty of exercise and stimulation he’s relaxed, if not then you’ll have a dog literally climbing the walls of the apartment where he lives! So as a result of his exercise requirements, we’ve been enjoying six to ten kilometres of walking daily with him as well lots of doggy playtime too.
Looking after Bailey the long-haired Jack Russell in the Luberon was one of the most memorable experiences we’ve had whilst dog sitting. He’s not a young dog at eleven years old but certainly plays as if he is! He never tires of chasing a ball in the vineyard, kitchen or field and will do this all day without stopping, where he gets the energy we wonder! He loves to ride in our Mazda sports car either on my lap or in the foot well and as soon as he thinks we’re headed out he’s in the car as fast as his little legs will carry him.
A very well-behaved dog, Bailey is happy to sit beneath your feet in a restaurant listening to the muted voices around him. He loves sleeping on the floor of the car resting his head on your feet and sleeping soundly. He loves to run around the garden too and is happy to do this on his own without constant input from us which is great, but if you want to walk with him around his lovely gardens then he’s happy to do that, a relaxed dog that’s pretty chilled no matter what. We will definitely look forward to more dog-sitting adventures with Bailey.
Rescue dog Dino is quite a character and definitely knows his own mind. A great guard dog he always lets you know when someone is on the property by giving a few barks at the front door. Although not a young dog he’s always ready for a walk any time of day or night. There are plenty of fields nearby to walk him in and many trails to follow too although we needed to be wary of the Sanglier wild boar out and about which Dino seems to find very interesting, sniffing at their burrows and turned-over soil.
Dino loves to sunbathe on the sun loungers and explore in his garden most of the day and night and likes nothing better than to be outside, that is until bedtime when he likes nothing more than to climb into bed with you! This is definitely not a behaviour we’d encourage you to get your dog into, as once they are accustomed to this little treat there’s no going back and no way of stopping them from joining you and pushing you over to get more room!
Other than this little foible Dino is a great little dog and we’d encourage anyone to get a rescue dog if they can, the younger the better so they can be trained although it’s still possible to train an old dog and most dogs will be so pleased of a kind home they will do your bidding.
Aups is a super part of France with some superb scenery, flora and fauna, restaurants and coffee shops which we greatly enjoy.
Tulips are the most marvellous of flowers and we’d always wanted to see the fields of spring flowers in and around Amsterdam. We were therefore thrilled to be asked to pet and house sit once more for the marvellous pair Blu and Morrissey the French Bulldog and British Blue cat.
We planned well ahead and checked that Blu was allowed inside the Keukenhof gardens and onto the transport bus to get there as it’s about an hour’s drive outside of central Amsterdam. On the day in question, we lined up along with crowds of others from all over the world. Luckily we were at the front of the bus and Blu was able to see the entire journey much to his great delight, the other passengers were delighted in seeing him so enjoying the journey. And we were not disappointed the flowers were spectacular and Blu was welcomed with open arms, he seemed to enjoy seeing the flowers and smelling the river and grass just as much as we did. It was a super hot day so we took it easy stopping a great deal for water and rest as French Bulldogs don’t do well in the heat and can sometimes find it hard to breathe. Morrissey the cat, of course, had to stay home which he much prefers, sitting in the sun or shade and drinking from his special cat water fountain.
We love Amsterdam and always enjoy our trips there to take care of these two beautiful pets in the city centre. I even managed to find somewhere to swim in the canal and to take Blu on a canal boat trip too. Spring was definitely in the air for both animals and us on this superb trip to the wonderful city of Amsterdam.
Cockerpoo Alfie is a timid happy little fellow who loves to chase balls, run, run and run. A young dog of just two years old he has immense energy and never tires of walking, playing or jumping. He loves to play chase with other dogs but can be a little timid at the first meeting and is the same with humans and children too. Despite his sunny-looking disposition, he can be very wary of strangers and it’s as well to warn them when they approach, often people seem to feel that if a dog looks cuddly he is and can be stroked at their will. This is not the case with a lot of dogs, they should always be shown your hand to sniff and if they come over to you, great stroke them under the chin, not on top of the head!
Suffolk is a wonderful part of England that we had not discovered much of previously at all, we were able to find many nature reserves that allowed dogs, as well as parks, beaches and nearby stately homes. Walking Alfie for a minimum of two or three hours a day is a must as he’s energetic and we often stayed out all day taking him in the car and ensuring that we had plenty of drinking water and snacks. Although Alfie is not very food focused and is keener on playing with the ball.
An affectionate boy once he gets to know you, Alfie loves a cuddle and tickle on the stomach too, as well as to curl up on your lap for a well-earned rest. We are hoping little Alfie will become one of our regular visits.
24 Jan 2025
0 CommentsRosco January 2025
The most special dog I ever met
Is named Rosco
He’s a Lagotto Romagnolo
Italian water dog
But surprisingly doesn’t much like water!
His scruffy and unkempt
Because he is petrified
of brushes and combs
He likes to prop up walls
And scrape himself along
Rough walls for scratches
His clever solution to not being brushed
He doesn’t like other dogs at all
Whether they are tall or small
He avoids every one of them all
He’s frightened of noise
He’s frightened and of bangs
Afraid and timid he’s nervous
Stubborn and wilful
He likes the beach
And is happy to drag you to within it’s reach
But then he wants to roll and play
And doesn’t want to leave the beach all day
He loves his home
He loves to roam
Loves his bed and
When within it’s reach
Will happily drag you back home
When out and about
He knows where he is
Knows where the car is
And will take you back directly
He likes to sleep
And he likes to play
But will happily sleep the day away
He doesn’t want to get up early at all
He’s Rosco the Lagotto Romagnolo
Rosco getting a little wind blown on his walk to the Antibes fort.