Pets and pet accessories are becoming more and more popular every day. From pet portraits and professional photography to special presents for your pet family member. Your dog can even have special treats delivered monthly by companies like biscuiteers.com and dotcomgiftshop.com. If you’ve gone doggy mad then you can accessorise your garden with a Dachshund garden seat, or personalise your china with your dogs smiling face!
For accessories and more try thegreatgiftcompany.co.uk or gettingpersonal.co.uk or mungoandmaud.com to name a few. Makers of collars and leads have grown in the past few years and there are so many companies that I can’t possibly list them all. You can choose from collars decorates with beads, made from high-quality leather, rope, chain and more, your choices are endless, the only limitation is your wallet.
I recently visited the summer Fete for Waltham St Lawrence and Shurlock Row, which many dogs attended, with agility shows, party trick skills shows, best pooch, best rescue dog, most appealing eyes, the dog most like it’s owner and more. And there were some superb decorative collars to buy, as shown in the picture, plus many other accessories, this is fast becoming the trend. Try Gorgiepaws.com for beautiful leather collars designed by a young girl in Australia, and some of the money made from each sale is donated to the SPCA charity which can’t be bad. Look for collars that are comfortable for your pet as well as stylish. As for leads personally, I’d recommend getting a chain one as I’ve seen too many dogs bite right through a leather or cloth lead, or get tangled in extendable leads. I recently also read that a number of people have lost fingers with extendable leads too so possibly best to steer clear and go for a long-lasting chain. Whatever you choose to get just enjoy your pet and have some fun as they do.

1 Oct 2019
Magical Animal Accessories
Pets and pet accessories are becoming more and more popular every day. From pet portraits and professional photography to special presents for your pet family member. Your dog can even have special treats delivered monthly by companies like biscuiteers.com and dotcomgiftshop.com. If you’ve gone doggy mad then you can accessorise your garden with a Dachshund garden seat, or personalise your china with your dogs smiling face!
For accessories and more try thegreatgiftcompany.co.uk or gettingpersonal.co.uk or mungoandmaud.com to name a few. Makers of collars and leads have grown in the past few years and there are so many companies that I can’t possibly list them all. You can choose from collars decorates with beads, made from high-quality leather, rope, chain and more, your choices are endless, the only limitation is your wallet.
I recently visited the summer Fete for Waltham St Lawrence and Shurlock Row, which many dogs attended, with agility shows, party trick skills shows, best pooch, best rescue dog, most appealing eyes, the dog most like it’s owner and more. And there were some superb decorative collars to buy, as shown in the picture, plus many other accessories, this is fast becoming the trend. Try Gorgiepaws.com for beautiful leather collars designed by a young girl in Australia, and some of the money made from each sale is donated to the SPCA charity which can’t be bad. Look for collars that are comfortable for your pet as well as stylish. As for leads personally, I’d recommend getting a chain one as I’ve seen too many dogs bite right through a leather or cloth lead, or get tangled in extendable leads. I recently also read that a number of people have lost fingers with extendable leads too so possibly best to steer clear and go for a long-lasting chain. Whatever you choose to get just enjoy your pet and have some fun as they do.