21 Aug 2021
Blu & Morrissey in Amsterdam Aug 21

Amsterdam housesitting assignment summer 2021
Sometimes in life things work out just perfectly and our housesitting assignment in Amsterdam was one of those moments. We looked after Morrissey and Blu in the UK over the Covid lockdown period during the summer of 2020. To say this was challenging is an understatement as we were locked down for 10 days and trying to walk Blu too and in the midst of this assignment, my father left this world for the next. But both Blu and Morrissey are wonderful animals who both lifted my spirits with cuddles and licks at this difficult time. Animals always seem to know when we need affection.
So when their owners moved to Amsterdam in early 2021 and asked us if we would housesit over there we jumped at the chance. We’d last seen Blu as a puppy so we wondered if he’d remember us in this strange place but being a dog he took one sniff and voila memory returned and he went crazy with excitement and happiness. That’s the thing with dogs they remember you and accept you exactly as you are, tired, with no makeup and in need of a cuddle and there they are! That’s what we love about pet sitting we always get a warm reception, from the animals and owners alike.
Amsterdam is a wonderful city, this was our second visit and we thoroughly enjoyed visiting all the parks, the Van Gogh art gallery and various other areas. Not to forget the bars and restaurants of course which welcomed Blu wherever we went with a snack, stroke and smile. In fact wherever we walked which was about 8 to 10 kilometres a day Blu never failed to raise a smile on to peoples faces, which is the most wonderful quality to have.
Morrissey being a cat, a beautiful British blue, just wanted to stay home, occasionally yowl at the next-doors cat and have a brush and stoke every morning and evening. He’s an easy cat who likes his food and watching the people go by in the street. He’s settled into dutch life very well and loves to climb up and down the steep stairs in the townhouse.
Blu and Morrissey’s owners live in central Amsterdam which is a busy vibrant area with lots going on all the time. Blu seems to relish this and loves new smells, going onto the trams, seeing new dogs and people daily. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves too and will happily return when the occasion arises. Sometimes work and play can be combined in the most seamless way.

29 Aug 2022
Spring in Amsterdam with Blu & Morrissey
Tulips are the most marvellous of flowers and we’d always wanted to see the fields of spring flowers in and around Amsterdam. We were therefore thrilled to be asked to pet and house sit once more for the marvellous pair Blu and Morrissey the French Bulldog and British Blue cat.
We planned well ahead and checked that Blu was allowed inside the Keukenhof gardens and onto the transport bus to get there as it’s about an hour’s drive outside of central Amsterdam. On the day in question, we lined up along with crowds of others from all over the world. Luckily we were at the front of the bus and Blu was able to see the entire journey much to his great delight, the other passengers were delighted in seeing him so enjoying the journey. And we were not disappointed the flowers were spectacular and Blu was welcomed with open arms, he seemed to enjoy seeing the flowers and smelling the river and grass just as much as we did. It was a super hot day so we took it easy stopping a great deal for water and rest as French Bulldogs don’t do well in the heat and can sometimes find it hard to breathe. Morrissey the cat, of course, had to stay home which he much prefers, sitting in the sun or shade and drinking from his special cat water fountain.
We love Amsterdam and always enjoy our trips there to take care of these two beautiful pets in the city centre. I even managed to find somewhere to swim in the canal and to take Blu on a canal boat trip too. Spring was definitely in the air for both animals and us on this superb trip to the wonderful city of Amsterdam.