31 Dec 2024
0 CommentsYou’ve got a friend in me

We met Duke the Labradoodle for the first time in September 2021 when he was still a very lively mischevious puppy. Into everything and stealing any food, phones, clothes, shoes or anything else he could find. Suffice to say that he could be quite a handful, so when his owner told us she was thinking of getting another Labradoodle as a companion for Duke we were a little hesitant at first. However, the owner quickly persuaded us it was a good idea.
The very next time we went to Wales in summer 2022 to dog sit, we found the new puppy in residence, lovely red Ruby who was just eight months old at the time. Having been introduced properly Duke and Ruby got on very well from the very first day, Duke being very gentle at first with the very small puppy, and then rushing around the house chasing each other and jumping on and off the furniture, which is allowed where they live – lucky dogs. Of course walking and playing in the fields is fantastic for both dogs as they can chase each other till they are tired out and then sleep together when they return home. Ruby although a lot smaller than Duke and still a pup, rules the roost and if Duke gets too boisterous she nips his ankles and steals his bones! He tolerates all of this with great humour, tolerance and forbearance enjoying having someone to play alongside daily.
So as they say in Toy Story when the road looks rough ahead, you’ve got a friend. It turns out the owner was right of course and getting Duke a friend was and is indeed the best thing she could have done. It has improved Duke and the owners life immeasurably to have little Ruby join the family, she has indeed made it a warm and welcoming home, she’s always ready to cuddle and to play any time of day or night.
We enjoy looking after these two boisterous dogs and usually take them out walking once or twice a day which keeps us fit and them exercised. They love to swim in the rivers, play on the beach and walk on the cliff sides in Wales. Recently Duke spotted an Adder which luckily enough didn’t bite him as he jumped away quickly, he immediately turned round to see if Ruby was safe, which she was. So he is protective of her as well as enjoying her friendship and play. Two dogs can indeed be easier to look after than one, especially if mischevious and in need of stimulation.
22 Jan 2025
0 CommentsEadie Rockets – December 2024
Getting to know you
Getting to know all about you
Getting to like you
Getting to hope you like me
Haven’t you noticed
Life is so happy and breezy
When I am with you
Getting to know what to do
Because life is so easy
When you’re with Eadie
Every day life is breezy
Every day life’s a joy
Because of all the beautiful and new
Things I’m learning about you
As you run through the day
Meeting dogs for play