3 Oct 2024
Labrador heaven for Ella
We’ve looked after lots and lots of Labradors but none so sweet, loving and eager to please as the lovely Ella.
She’d start each and every day, after her breakfast, of course, by lying flat out tummy upwards to the sun, rolling around, eagerly lapping up the suns rays. Then quietly wait by our sides for a walk, just longingly looking into our eyes from time to time lest we forgot she’s there! Eager to walk she might pull on her lead, just a little, at the beginning of the walk but once there, she’s off the lead running freely, finding somewhere to sniff and to submerge her body in the canal, then she’s the happiest dog alive. A forest walk is her delight sniffing the flowers, scents and herbs along the way and looking far and wide at the scenery. Well behaved and quiet she’s welcomed by everyone we met, whether it’s at a winery, cafe, restaurant or in the little shops, she travels well in the back of the car and loves, like most dogs, to be included in everything we did.
Ella loves to play ball and will seek out old manky balls wherever we went as well as search long and hard for balls in the garden when hidden for her. She missed her natural vocation as a lifeguard because every single time I went swimming in the basin she stood by watching carefully that I didn’t drown, never straying from my side the entire time I was in the pool.
Ella is a throughly delightful Labrador and we throughly enjoyed looking after her in the French Alpilles.

22 Jan 2025
0 CommentsEadie Rockets – December 2024
Getting to know you
Getting to know all about you
Getting to like you
Getting to hope you like me
Haven’t you noticed
Life is so happy and breezy
When I am with you
Getting to know what to do
Because life is so easy
When you’re with Eadie
Every day life is breezy
Every day life’s a joy
Because of all the beautiful and new
Things I’m learning about you
As you run through the day
Meeting dogs for play