10 Mar 2022
Puppy fun has begun – February 2022

We’ve looked after Gertie the schnauzer previously, alone and with her brother Philip. Unfortunately, he left this world to join the angels on 1st June 2021, he was a lovely dog who will be sadly missed by all. So we were asked to go back and look after Gertie with a new addition puppy Pippa the Whoodle (Poodle crossed with Wheaton Terrier).
We love puppies so were eagerly awaiting the day we started dog sitting Pippa and older dog Gertie. Luckily Gertie has taken well to the new addition and likes to play with her and try to teach her some manners! Pippa is very boisterous, playful. energetic and frenetic. Rushing all over the house, in and out of doors and jumping up at the door and looking at you to get back in. She loves to play with her soft toys, have a tickle and likes nice long walks around the vines or anywhere there are lots of things to scent. As with most poodle mixes, she is very intelligent and will outsmart you whenever she can.
An affectionate little pup she loves a cuddle at night in the TV room as well as to cuddle up to Gertie on her bed or in her cage, which Gertie has taken over as a place of refuge from the puppy! Life is certainly better with a puppy and Pippa is no exception to the rule, with lovely calm schnauzer Gertie by her side she should grow into a beautiful dog.
We will look forward to further dog sits with this super little pair.
25 Jul 2022
Summer in South Wales with Duke – 2022
Duke the labradoodle is a wonderful lively dog who we always enjoy looking after. We have looked after him twice previously in summer and Christmas of 2021. It’s always fun and he keeps us very fit and on our toes. A large dog for this breed type, he can easily rest his head on the kitchen countertops to see what you’re preparing for lunch or dinner and what he might be able to have! He has been known to pinch food given half the chance so has to be watched carefully for his own health. Dogs are allergic to a lot of human foods especially raisins, grapes and chocolate, as well as onions and quite a number of other foods we adore.
Affectionate and active Duke needs two or three good long walks a day and some time to play with other dogs if possible. Luckily south Wales is a stunning part of the United Kingdom and we enjoy our visits there immensely looking after Duke and seeing the various beaches and clifftop walks that abound.
On this trip we were extremely lucky as most days the sun shone brightly and we were able to explore the area to Duke and our hearts desire. He loves forests and the scents and swimming in the rivers and sea if he can, unfortunately, as he likes to steal clothes and picnics beaches can be challenging unless he’s kept on a tight lead, as a strong willful dog this can be a little difficult at times.
In the fields where he lives, he has a big garden he can play in and horses to run around with. An affectionate boy he likes nothing more than to curl up with his head on your lap in the evenings and watch TV, some of which he watches avidly with you.
We’re fortunate to call Duke one of our regulars and greatly look forward to seeing him every year as much as we can, as well as his wonderful owner of course before she departs on her holidays.