Well, these two little whirlwind dogs keep you on your toes and fit and healthy too. Running up and down hills is their favourite past-time and the newer the place and steeper the hills the better it is! Undaunted by steep slopes, Bella at 10 years old is fit, healthy and stoic, nothing much bothers this little dog, she loves to smile when you tickle her tummy and is affectionate, companionable to other dogs as well as humans and is a fabulous all-round dog we have become very fond of. Daisy, Bella’s pup is a different nature, she is energetic and loves to run everywhere but always keeps her mum insight. She loves a good stroke when you’re watching the TV at night and will sit for hours without moving for this delight. She has eyes one could melt in the colour of dark and dreamy chocolate. With soft silky fur, she picks up burrs everywhere so a nightly de-burring is always in order! They both love dirty, smelly, green water! The dirtier and smellier the better! So a bath is often in order too. Both are fed on a raw meat diet and have around two hours walk a day which seems to keep them healthy, happy, energetic and a joy to behold.
9 Sep 2019
Fast and faster Bella and Daisy
Well, these two little whirlwind dogs keep you on your toes and fit and healthy too. Running up and down hills is their favourite past-time and the newer the place and steeper the hills the better it is! Undaunted by steep slopes, Bella at 10 years old is fit, healthy and stoic, nothing much bothers this little dog, she loves to smile when you tickle her tummy and is affectionate, companionable to other dogs as well as humans and is a fabulous all-round dog we have become very fond of. Daisy, Bella’s pup is a different nature, she is energetic and loves to run everywhere but always keeps her mum insight. She loves a good stroke when you’re watching the TV at night and will sit for hours without moving for this delight. She has eyes one could melt in the colour of dark and dreamy chocolate. With soft silky fur, she picks up burrs everywhere so a nightly de-burring is always in order! They both love dirty, smelly, green water! The dirtier and smellier the better! So a bath is often in order too. Both are fed on a raw meat diet and have around two hours walk a day which seems to keep them healthy, happy, energetic and a joy to behold.