20 Dec 2021
Gentle Dougie – December 2021

We have looked after little Dougie a couple of times before. We thoroughly enjoy looking after him as he’s a gentle, affectionate and well behaved Cockerpoo.
We had travelled over from France to Tunbridge Wells to look after Dougie again but this time in a different location. We were lucky enough to be ‘down on the farm with Dougie’ for this visit. We were also blessed with some fairly dry weather whilst in Sussex and managed to get out to walk daily as there was a multitude of walks around the farm.
We fed the donkeys and goat some carrots every few days and Dougie liked to have a little chat with them on the way! He always seemed to be interested in what the other animals were doing! He loved looking at the sheep and seeing the younger ones frolicking in the fields.
Although he will go out in the rain he’s not that keen and likes to have his waterproof coat on and to have his coat and feet wiped when we return. He’s so well behaved in this regard as he’s happy to stand on the rug by the door until you have dried him off! This is just as well as his favourite habit is to sit on your knee after breakfast or dinner in
the evenings.
We love Dougie and enjoy looking after him whenever we have the opportunity. We certainly hope that the opportunity will arise once again.
19th March 2022 @ 1:37 pm
We are so grateful to you for looking after Dougie. He absolutely loves seeing you both, and it is always so reassuring to know he is with you when we are away.
Your description of Dougie is perfect xx