A lurcher
I am, loyal, loving, fast and energetic I like to run after balls, runners and cyclists too! If I’m not stopped in my tracks with a whistle I like to mouth runners and cyclists bottoms which can be a problem as they think I’m biting them, this is not true as I simply want to catch them and caress their anatomy with my soft mouth! Needless to say Adrain and Christina who have looked after me often, like to whistle and stop me in my tracks when I’m chasing someone! Other than this annoying little habit I’m the loveliest softest, kindness dog you’d ever hope to meet. I can’t help the running you see as I’ve been bread for it.
Greyhounds were only for the royals so we were bred to act as sight and chase hounds for the everyday person and catch rabbits, squirrels and birds in a stealth like fashion for their supper. So we were very useful pets. I like children and running with other dogs but I’m not very keen on cats I must say!

18 Oct 2018
A lurcher
Greyhounds were only for the royals so we were bred to act as sight and chase hounds for the everyday person and catch rabbits, squirrels and birds in a stealth like fashion for their supper. So we were very useful pets. I like children and running with other dogs but I’m not very keen on cats I must say!