Rosco January 2025

The most special dog I ever met
Is named Rosco
He’s a Lagotto Romagnolo
Italian water dog
But surprisingly doesn’t much like water!

His scruffy and unkempt
Because he is petrified
of brushes and combs
He likes to prop up walls
And scrape himself along
Rough walls for scratches
His clever solution to not being brushed

He doesn’t like other dogs at all
Whether they are tall or small
He avoids every one of them all
He’s frightened of noise
He’s frightened and of bangs

Afraid and timid he’s nervous
Stubborn and wilful
He likes the beach
And is happy to drag you to within it’s reach
But then he wants to roll and play
And doesn’t want to leave the beach all day

He loves his home
He loves to roam
Loves his bed and
When within it’s reach
Will happily drag you back home

When out and about
He knows where he is
Knows where the car is
And will take you back directly

He likes to sleep
And he likes to play
But will happily sleep the day away
He doesn’t want to get up early at all

He’s Rosco the Lagotto Romagnolo

Rosco getting a little wind blown on his walk to the Antibes fort.