Photo by Nick Turner on Unsplash
Has the world gone barking mad? Or has the world finally recognised the value of animals? Personally, I’d like to think that at long last animals are being recognised for the valuable contribution they make to our society.
As a little girl, I used to get so upset by other children throwing stones at animals and often got myself into trouble by standing in front of the stones!
Now let’s hope times have truly changed, as more and more workplaces are accepting dogs or creating dog-friendly environments. Millennials it appears are not only increasingly vegan but they also value having dogs in the office!
So if you want to create a dog-friendly office then here are some tips:
- Consult your employees – see how many are in favor and address the concerns of those who are not. Ensure no-one is allergic or phobic.
- Research – talk to other companies that have introduced a dog-friendly policy. Find out how many of your employees have dogs they can bring?
- Get the board-on-board and ensure everyone agrees and backs you up.
- Define numbers – how many dogs are allowed per day and which days?
- Allocate areas – animals need to know their barriers and where they can go to relax, refresh, smell and communicate with other dogs, and be alone!
- Ensure everyone knows the benefits – it’s been shown that animals increase productivity in the workplace.
- Join Pets at work alliance they are there to help.
- Ensure that the dogs that are brought into the office are content, enjoy the experience and get enough exercise, perhaps a group of employees could walk them at lunchtime if it’s cool enough.
If you do the research and define the areas you too can reap the barking-friendly office benefits. And don’t forget to follow us and let us know how you get on.
18 Aug 2019
Barking friendly work places!
Photo by Nick Turner on Unsplash
Has the world gone barking mad? Or has the world finally recognised the value of animals? Personally, I’d like to think that at long last animals are being recognised for the valuable contribution they make to our society.
As a little girl, I used to get so upset by other children throwing stones at animals and often got myself into trouble by standing in front of the stones!
Now let’s hope times have truly changed, as more and more workplaces are accepting dogs or creating dog-friendly environments. Millennials it appears are not only increasingly vegan but they also value having dogs in the office!
So if you want to create a dog-friendly office then here are some tips:
If you do the research and define the areas you too can reap the barking-friendly office benefits. And don’t forget to follow us and let us know how you get on.